A microusb or a Memory Stick Duo Adaptor 3. Please read the disclaimer/other at the end What you need: 1. I don't really know what engine what games run on aside from a select few, you will have to ask around for romance stories. I think my psp has B10 CFW (if you wanted to know, last time I checked, I could use PSN with B10 CFW) -EDIT- Erm.

The DDL link is NOT the original, it is a reupload by me because I was unable to find the original one. I think this EBOOT is actually signed, so non cfw might be able to run it 6. It doesn't work very well, text is in Chinese and 90% of the characters don't display (voices work though), and I didn't port it) what happens when you fail to resize them: 5. If you intend on playing ONScripter based games, they need to be resized, I don't know how to do that (have an android tablet with a high enough native resolution ) Original games: (Yes, this is G Senjou no Maou, or the start screen at the very least, on ONScripter. This is actually a rather crude method, because I don't know how to load more then one game at a time. This is an older version of ONScripter (I think, not too sure) 2. Press X on ONSCRIPTER for PSP 20110111 (hopefully no crashes here) Disclaimer/other: 1. PBP Arc.nsa or arc.sar (these files have all the sprites, backgrounds and voices, sometimes music) 0.txt or nscript.dat (this file has the story, and has instructions pertaining to music and voices) default.ttf (font, if your game doesn't have one, I think any will do.) IF your game has separate music, it would be a good idea to copy that over as well Create another folder called CD inside it and place the music in there (should be in.ogg or.mp3) 9.Īfter copying, your folder should look like this: 10.

Locate 3 files and copy them into the same directory as EBOOT. Copy the EBOOT.PBP and the ons.ini files and paste them into psp GAME ONS 7. Go back to the extracted onscripter-20110111_psp folder and click on the 'ONS' folder, you should see something like below: 6. Create a folder in Psp game called ONS 5.

Extract the files, you should see something like below: 3.