The Anno series is a whimsical bunch of city building and gameplay. List Of Games Like Age of Empires To Play On PC Anno game series List Of Games Like Age of Empires To Play On PC.Please leave your comments under the article, indicating your favourite game from the list or not included in it. The strategy genre is quite popular and includes other games similar to the Age of Empires that combine different features and mechanics to create a unique outcome. I also devoted a lot of time to the Age of Empires II, playing with friends in co-op for eight people at the highest difficulty level for fun, but requiring a continually changing strategy to win. The original Age of Empires opened the real-time strategy genre for me. Age of Empires has also influenced many games of its genre and developed it in the right direction, using gameplay innovations.

It also supports by the many communities dedicated to the game and its world, despite its release. AoE is currently at the top of the most commercially successful franchises in the genre, which implies that the game is one of the best. Are you a fan of the ( AoE ) series ? Are you looking for games like Age of Empires to play through? This article presents a collection of other equally impressive real-time strategies that can send you at any moment in history or even into the future.